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This week started off really good! I did my first guest post for Erika at The Girl Next Door Grows Up. I felt so honored that she wanted me to write something for her blog. Being a Stay-At-Home-Mom, I don’t receive a lot of recognition for much of anything. I mean, I don’t expect The Babes to say, “Thanks for making this delicious lunch of cheese, bread, and crackers with a side of fruit.” Harrington does say things like “Bathroom look great!” or “Wow! You did five loads of laundry in one day? You are awesome!”
Although it’s thoughtful, receiving a compliment on my ability to use cleaning products and a rag does not give me the same charge of excitement as someone liking my writing.
So, thank you, Erika! That definitely put a spring in my step!
I got another little boost in the form of a text this week.
To make a long story short, I have a fear of raw chicken. I am known throughout my circle of friends and family for this crazy fear. (But just so you know, I have devoted these next eleven months to getting over this. Because it was getting out of hand. A post for another time).
So my friend texted me, “Cooking chicken. Thinking of you.”
We went back and forth, and she told me we could practice on the two organic chickens in her freezer and drink some wine.
How sweet is that?! Something about that just struck me as so kind. Friendships become tricky when you add the motherhood factor into the mix, so often times, I (and I assume other mothers as well) don’t get a lot of face time with friends. So when I get a text like that, it means the world to me.
In that same vein, my favorite Anonymous poster (otherwise known as Aunt Diane) sent me the greatest “just because” card. Maybe you’ve seen it. There’s a woman dancing on it saying that when she’s president everything will be decided in a dance-off. Then the inside of the card says, “You’re going to be my vice president so better start practicing your moves.” Then she wrote that she saw this card and thought of me.
For no reason. Just thought of me.
I feel there are some tectonic shifts occurring in the foundation of my support system. It’s sad and happy, scary and exciting.
Either way, when I get little rays of sunshine during this foggy time, I feel a lightness that I haven’t felt in a long, long time.
Have a great weekend!