Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cinderella: Pre-Prince Days

(or Post-Prince Days with kids, but we would never know for sure since there was not a satisfactory follow up to my childhood favorite Disney princess movie)

As I was making my to-do list, it started to feel a lot like a Cinderella kind of day (with a tad of Mary Poppins thrown in there for childcare measure):
- Laundry
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Fun Activities for The Babes

This is most weeks, and most days I actually enjoy it, but coming off a hard week last week and a similar week this week (meaning The Hubs is working long hours and is barely home), I’m EX.AUST.ED.



And feeling a tad bit underappreciated.

Most days I feel like I do handle all that is being a stay-at-home mom with the grace of Cinderella. You know, powering through her never-ending to do list without being a cranky and bitchy.

But not today. Today I will be faking it every step of the way while pushing the limits of how much coffee my stomach can handle.

Wish me luck.

See you tomorrow for Feel Good Friday!


Anonymous said...

Even though you might not feel it, you ARE appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Awwww. I understand.

I hope it is not for Thanksgiving. I bet people would understand if things were dusty. I have long given up being hte perfect hostess with the mostess especially since it seems some family members trash the house anyway.

Erin Janda Rawlings said...

Lessons, thanks so much. I really needed to hear that!

The Girl, no my MIL was coming over to watch The Babes, and I had a counter full of toothpaste and a floor full of dust bunnies. Ick.

purplume said...

You remind me, I used to pretend I was Cinderella especially when scrubbing the floor. It made it more fun.

Erin Janda Rawlings said...

Purplume, I am going to have to remember that next time I clean!!