Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine’s Day: An Evolution

I love Valentine’sDay!  Love it!  I know that a lot of people like to throw some shade towards this supposed made up holiday, but I still love it.  I mean, I am celebrating the people that I love, and I get to eat the chocolate.  And not just regular chocolate, the good stuff: the Godiva sampler box!

I know that I can eat chocolate and celebrate my loved ones any day of the week, so I did some thinking about why I love Valentine’s Day so much.  I think it’s because it is the one holiday that has not morphed into a major extravaganza.  Valentine’s Day does not require an air traffic controller to coordinate all of the different family schedules so everyone can arrive at the same place at the same time.  It’s not entrenched in the emotional warfare of finding the perfect gift.  You are not required to find/make the perfect costume that will only be covered up by a jacket.

It’s simple and lovely; therefore making the evolution of the celebrating seamless. 

Here’s our first Valentine’s Day together.  Oh, that youthful glint in our eyes!  I think we celebrated with some Russell Stover’s chocolates and cheap white zinfandel (as opposed to the expensive white zinfandel).

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentine’s Day An Evolution

We stepped up our game when were engaged, four years later.  We went out for dinner and  sprung for real cocktails.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentine’s Day An Evolution
I know the quality is poor, but I love this picture.
It was the calm before the storm.

When Marie was born, it was still fun to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  I mean, look at her – she’s such a little cutie dressed in her adorable outfit.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution
She wasn't as excited about the pink hippo as Harrington was.  Obviously.

And it just kept on getting better.  I loved decorating cupcakes with her.  And after she would go to bed, it would be happy hour complete with champagne and chocolates.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

And then this little guy came along.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

Still fun.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

And I think they might even love each other.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

Then, last Valentine’s Day we added Scott Awesome to our mix.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

Yes, we have class parties, and it’s not easy to be at both at the same; however, it’s still not crazy-intense as Christmas.

In some ways, I think Valentine’s Day represents the ideal holiday: a simple day centered on love  . . . and good chocolate.

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day?

Erin Janda Rawlings Mommy on the Spot Valentines Day Evolution

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